about me
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My Nest Destinations, iAllah
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
as you know,
i love to travel....very much!!!
honeymoon, libur kejepit, second honeymoon,
tahun baru, libur lebaran, pulang kampung,
rayain ultah my kids, ikut suami sekolah, liburan keluarga besar....

dibayarin kantor, ditraktir ortu,
nodong suami (hahaha), internship, cari sponsor (waktu kuliah hihi),
nabung bertahun2, promo beli 1 dapat 2 tiket (hihihi promo CC ;p)
dll dsb etc

kapanpun waktunya,
apapun eventnya
bagaimanaupun cara ngumpulin duitnya
pokoke judulnya jalan2 ;-)

BUT i will tell you
these 3 destinations are VERY SPECIAL
as i will insyaAllah get it all for FREE!

dalam 1,5 tahun ke depan ...iAllah I will visit
all these beautiful places:
Stockholm, Paris, Bali

dan semuanya...saya dapatkan GRATISSS dari Oriflame
i will do my best to get it ;-)

Stokcholm - Swedia
Global Gold Conference
Juli 2010

Bali - Indonesia
Global Diamond Conference
January 2011

Paris - Prancis
Asia Gold Conference
Agustus 2011

Do dare to dream and come to those countries???
YES or NO....
coba mampir ke sini ya, my new blog,
tempat saya berbagi mimpi....
yang insyaAllah akan segera jadi kenyataan

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