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dari lila untuk ibu on mother's day
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

kepada ibu yang tercinta

wahai ibuku aku cinta denganmu
aku bangga sekali engkau bisa melahirkanku

(sampe sini, senyum2....)

aku meminta maaf atas semua kesalahanku
aku senang ibu sudah merawat aku
dari bayi, balita sampai dewasa

(sampe sini inget waktu ngajarin lila pas mau ehb,
ada urut2an perkembangan manusia soale)

aku bangga sekali denganmu
aku akan merawat engkau ibuku dengan keras
aku akan mendoakanmu

(sambil mulai mikir...ini kata2nya diajarin gurunya apa sendiri ya?)

dan satu lagi yang kau mau ibuku
aku doakan supaya engkau go diamon

(Sampe sini kaget...baca lagi...trus mewek.....
hiks hiks.... lila doain ibu supaya jadi diamond maksudnya)

aku sangat cinta denganmu
engkau lembut hati
terima kasih atas segalanya

(sampe sini, penglihatan udah bluur berat....
di depan kelasnya lila nangis.... hiks hiks
sambil bilang, paaa...ini liat surat lila untukku
huhuhu...terharu berat )

iAllah ya Lila sayang,
ibu will be ur closest friend
ibu will be ur diamond mom
ibu will be there for you, iAllah
terima kasih doanya ya sayang.....

ibu cinta Lila.... sangat!

ps: lila barusan liat postingan ini...
trus kata lila....
"itu tulisanku sendiri ibu, gak dibilangin ibu guru..."
huaaaa tambah nangis.....

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a 'lil something in the universe
Friday, December 19, 2008
being an ordinary sharah,
in this fast moving forward life that i choose
sometime up... sometime down......
sometime sweet....sometime bitter....

still.... gotta manage to smile
bcoz, there's family to taken care of
my husband.... my children....

have to stay calm
bcoz, there's business to taken care of
especially my team....
have to support them with all my heart
to share and make them see why i love this business

i'm not super mom... definitely am not
there are time, when i dissapointed
there are time when things don't happen
the way i plan it to be....

there are time that i'm crying on my hubby lap
just say meaningless and yet the real things that i feel inside

there are time when i feel i never can get enough of prayer and shalat
which makes me bursted out both in tears and laugh
when my hubby, as usual with his easy smile
asking me if i wanna go to the mall and just go crazeey instead
(if you know what i mean ;p)
oh how i love you dear....
u know me reaaalyyy goood ;-)

there are time that i felt so small
that i'm just a little something in the universe
that all i can do is trying.... and then asking for Allah to help me
for Him to help me and show me what is the best for me
I know that even though i'm trying very hard to get and
to figure out what is the best 4 me
He already know the answer...
and for that
I'm sure my very best will come
it's just a matter of time


Lasagna Indonesiana ;-)

Ini gw namain lasagna indonesiana ;-)
soalnya bahan2nya sederhana banget
di pasar juga ada.... eh, maksute selain basil dan oregano ya
dua bumbu ini wajib.....standard prosedur untuk menghasilkan
rasa italiana sejati ...jiyeeeeh ;p ;p
anehnya selama di itali malah gak pernah buat si lasagna ini
soale gak nemu keju yg ada tanda halalnya itu tuh ;-)
baru pas di jakarta...bikin lagi

gak perlu pake keju khusus yang mahal kok
cukup keju batangan merk Kxxxxt atau Qxxu juga boleh
rahasianya ada di cara membuat saos kejunya itu
hasilnya nanti topping keju leleh yang lumer di lidah sluuurp...

Dulu nemu resep ini dari tabloid Nova....ck ck ck
emang hebat niy Nova...dari dulu sahabat setia mak nyah gw
sampe sekarang...... tiap weekend ke rumah mak nyah
mesti deh nebeng baca juga hehehe

Singkatnya......lasagna gw ini rasanya enaaak deey,
kayak di resto2 gitu deh
jiyeeeeh, yakin banget ....
beneran soale semua yang dah pernah nyoba pasti nambah (kalo gak malu ;p)

bentar ya, ini posting fotona dulu ajah....
lagi males nulis resepnya..soale ada 3 adonan yang berbeda
saos daging, saos tomat dan saos keju....
kemarin jeng nad mampir ke rumah, sempet nyobain juga
enak shar..... gitu katanya ;-)

sorry sebelum ditanyain, pengumuman dulu, eike gak terima pesanan yaa...
hanya untuk konsumsi anak dan suami...plus tamu2 kutilang 2 sajah hehe
soale pas terakhir posting nasi bakar, eh ada yang PM mau pesen.....
laaaah, eike bukan bakul masakan..... bakul oriflame sih iya hihihi ;-)


This Song Will Do ;-)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
people said, a picture speaks more than a thousand words
to express the way you feel ........
like this picture ;-)

by Lila and Nawal

but in my current situation, this song will also do ;-)

(chaplin, parson and philips)

smile, though your heart is aching
smile, even though it's breaking
though there are clouds in the sky
you'll get by....

if you smile through your fears and sorrows
smile and maybe tommorow
you'll see the sun come shining through
if you just smile.....

light up your face with gladness
hide every trace of sadness
although a tear maybe ever, ever so near

that's the time you must keep on trying
smile, what's the use of trying?
you'll find life is still worthwhile
if you just smile ;-)
