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Trieste Hiks Hiks
Friday, August 10, 2007

Duh di mana tuh ya?? Seumur2 gak pernah denger tuh nama Trieste…..ternyata di dunia ini ada kota yg namanya Triste…located in the northeastern of Italy….it’s the city where my dear hubby will take his post graduate program…hiks hiks…so far far away.

Tak enak makan tak enak minum…berita bahagia siy Alhamdulilah…tapi terlalu tiba2 kayaknya…jadinya gimanaaaa gituu…kayak jet lag…tidur gak bisa, makan gak napsu, yg ada badan jadi lemes.

Trieste itu kotanya cantik banget ternyata, tadi aku dah ngintip di int’net. What a nice city, hiks hiks hiks….jadi makin berat rasanya ngebayangin sementara harus pisah dulu….duh iAllah jadinya pengen banget bisa nyusul mas Ardha ke sana.

Btw, mas Ardha sendiri juga belum siap-siap sama sekali menjelang keberangkatannya. Dia masih sibuk urusin pekerjaan yang numpuk, makin yakin aku bahwa memang dia harus pergi sekolah sekarang….daripada akhirnya tertimbun oleh pekerjaannya yang yang nggak ada habisnya itu.

Sejak kemarin mas Ardha ke cirebon dan jepara, hari-hari sebelumnya sibuk miting sampe malem….berusaha nyelesein kerjaannya sebelum berangkat, secara tanggal 10 september kuliahnya sudah mulai.

We try to tell the kids that their daddy is about to leave for a while. Lila cried on her father shoulder the first time she knew about it. Nawal said, he wants to sleep with me every night after his father leave, but so far he look okay.

And me???? Well….. not very good I guess, for instance, now writing this, my view kinda blur because of the tears in my eyes……..Omg…have to be tougher this time.

Well, until my next post ................as i can't hardly see now.

TRIESTE (source: http://www.ictp.it/pages/info/aboutts.html)

Trieste has a remarkable history and a remarkable location. A most Italian city, it entertains close relations with the adjacent Slav and Germanic cultures. Of all Italian cities it is the closest to Mitteleuropa. So close to the centre of Europe, it is also linked by the sea to all the Mediterranean countries to the south and east. It is a crossroad of trade and culture, a city with an incomparable spirit, free and brave, at once popular and aristocratic, casting its spell on every visitor.
Trieste's setting is particularly beautiful with the combination of the shining whiteness of its rocks, the blue sea and the green hills that surround it. Approaching the town along its wonderful coast road, it appears perfectly inserted in the surrounding territory, irrespective of the boundaries separating it from Istria, the formerly Italian territory that now belongs to Slovenia. Its ancient history can still be seen from the Roman ruins on Capitol Hill, the San Giusto Castle and the Roman theatre. The dark ruins of the first Castellieri stand like guards on the hills, as if it was still there for its defense. Memories and images of the past live on in the streets, from the little alleys that wind through the ancient suburbs with their old houses and ruined walls to the wide central streets that cross the new part of the town with its elegant neo-classical buildings.



At 3:09 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

hi dear wife.. i love you so much.. it's a wonderfull letter you have and wish you a happy 7 years of our wedding anniversarry


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