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my 8 things - homework from Yaya ;-)
Friday, April 04, 2008
Yaya, million times ago (hihihihi) has tagged me… it’s about all 8 thing ….. then here are mine:

I’m passionate about:
1. heaven…. what a mystery.. though it’s so clear in Qur’an, what to do and how to get there…still the big question, can I make it to get there?
2. my precious lil family, the ardha’s , my husband ardha, my princess kalila and my prince nawal
3. my big family… the saleh’s and the sugarda’s ;-)

the saleh's (maap ya mantunya lagi pada sibuuk ;p)

pa and ma sugarda with grandchildren

4. books… love reading soo much, can’t stand go to book shop without buy one ;p…..
5. food…. love to eat…love to cook (usually once, only to show my assistant how ;p).. love to buy cooking book … love to see cooking channel …love “wisata kuliner”…well, anything related about food…. ;-)
6. blogging… easy to start…hard to stop ;p
7. batik… love batik so much, started when my mom gave me her batik when I was on elementary school…. Long way before the “batik is so hip era” like what currently happen now. The more “lawas” the more I love them ;-). Here are some of them (exhibitionist mode on ;p)

some of my lovely original indonesia (not malysia) batik ;-)

8. traveling…. something that can stop me from shopping too much is when I have a plan to go traveling with my family….. buuuut still when I get there…I still do the shopping w/o feeling guilty as it is in the name of “untuk oleh-oleh and kenang2an” ;p

mostly I say
1. masyaAllah, inshaAllah
2. sip sip…. --> di mana aja kapan aja…online or offline, when I agree I said this J
3. intinya sih….. --> magic words klo lagi ngasi training/ presentasi ;p
4. booo’……. --> suka sok seruu ;p
5. naw… kel…. --> naw for nawal, kel for kalila
6. cinta Ibu… sayang Ibu… --> to greet my babies
7. paa… ol tak? --> thru YM with my hubby ;p
8. udah shalat beluumm?? --> to the kids

just finished readings:
1. halal, berkah, bertambah – Ahmas Gozali
2. winning the mom market – Hermawan Kertajaya
3. wp untuk pemula – Fanny Ariasari
4. ............... - Habiburrahman El Shirazy (yg terbaru..apa yak? Lupaa)
5. wisata sekolah yang heboh – Marissa Moss (abg banget niih hihihi)
6. food that harms food that heals –daily digest (a very useful one!)
7. ketika aa menikah lagi – asma nadia and friends (again and again ;p)
8. photoshop cs3 – jubilee enterprise (not yet finished…is it count?)

InsyaAllah before I die, I want to
1. going hajj with mama and my family
2. wanna see my children khatam and applied qur’an
3. wanna see my children get married
4. wanna see may grandchildren
5. wanna improve my ibadah, as best as I can…
6. have a sound contribution to others
7. go around the world with my family
8. have something great to pass over to kalila and nawal

I love listening to
1. bimbo
2. simply red
3. light jazz from any singer
4. smoma
5. warna
6. jacko
7. senandung zikirnya keluarga alif
8. chrisye

What my friends like about me
Don’t know… u tell me pleasee.... :)

Last year I've learned
1. the greatest love of all is Allah’s
2. then my mom’s love
3. then my hubby and my children ... i love u soo much my precious lil family!
4. no pain no gain ;p ..yeaahh sure, u tell me that ;p
5. so sure that, when i see it in my mind, iAllah I’m going to hold it in my hand
6. how to take care almost everything (and survive), while pa is not around
7. how to be more ikhlas and always husnudzon towards Allah
8. my babies are my strength....they need and they love me…as much as I need and love them

If it's not too much trouble, I want to tag
None… except my hubby ;-)… the one I really care about..what is ur 8 thing darling :)



At 8:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yang kiri gue bangeettttt hihi
yang kanan juga keren sar, itu jaman jahiliyah yaa? (blom pernah liat lo make ato mamerin soale hahaha...)

At 4:13 PM, Blogger Ryuta Ando said...

Mudah2 an naik haji beserta keluarga besar terlaksana...amin..

At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to ryuto ando,
terima kasih banyak doalnya ya. Amiin. Really appreciate that ;-).

to jeng nad,
tauu ajeee...emaang itu jaman dulu kala (baca: jahiliyah ;p)

At 11:17 PM, Blogger MaMahoney said...

amiiin Allahuma amiin

At 10:43 AM, Blogger yuniardo said...

wah berat ni... takes a whole month... buat mikirnye :)


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