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am sooo grateful, alhamdulilah
Friday, March 06, 2009
beberapa hari ini...
bawaannya bete terus.....
eneg...lemes...mual...campur2 jadi satu
klo lagi gloomy gini....apa2 semua serba mo dicomplain....
bonus blm masuklah ;p ;p
harga barang2 di pasar yg naik mulu..... (klo dah gini males masak jadinya)
internet yg ngedrop melulu....
argh.......... why why......

trus tadi pagi baca koran....
seperti biasa....... bacanya sambil males
krn sebagian besar beritanya gak "asyik" untuk dibaca
klo gak korupsi....penjarahan....pembunuhan....
kemiskinan (jarah raskin gak turun2).... bunuh diri, sigh.....
pengangguran yang terus naik menembus angka yang
gak pernah diprediksi dan belum bisa ditanggulangi pemerintah.....
korban lapindo....hah whaaat? masih gak kelar juga?? sigh....
dll dsb..... bikin merasa....duuuh, bener2 deh
di mana2 lagi ribet yaaaa.....

but on second thought....
after mikir sebentaaar ajaaa
i feel soooo grateful..... alhamdulilah
that my life... alhamdulilah "jau lebih nyaman" dibanding
yg diberitakan di koran....
eneg..mual...lemes dan complain2 lainnya mah ...keciiil...

bandingin sama berita di koran yg
"gak asyik" itu......

list hidup nikmatku
mestinya lbh panjaang dari ini listnya.....

i should be grateful, a lot!!

for being who i am now....
for the faith that i hold on to
from the moment i was born
until now and iA it's growing stronger

for having a family
who love me....
for which all my love....
all my work...
dedicated for them...

for i'm now being pregnant again
even though i feel awfully bad
in the stomach area....
even though the fact that of i'm going to have
another sectio keep haunted me..siiigh :(
those all are nothing compare to
the happiness and joy i feel
as deep down in my heart.... i really...really...
looking forward to have this baby ;-)

for having such a great friends
surrounding me.....
friends that i believe, are the answers
to my prayer.....
good hearted friends..... dunia akhirat iAllah

for i.... never..... even in a split second thought
ever regret my decision to quit the career
that i once ever dreamed of and once i had....

for the joy of being able to be with my babies...
be next to them.... almost all the time
for the joy of being able to work at home....
for the joy of being able "ikut pengajian rumahan"
for the joy of waiting for my hubby come home
for the joy of being able to accompany my parents anytime they need
for the joy of having a hope that iAllah can i give more to my
parents, even though i'm not a career woman they ever
thought i will....

am so grateful.....
that i still can "think" now....and realize
for everything that Allah give to me....
in the past....at this moment.... and iAllah tommorow
i shoul be very very grateful....



At 1:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

alhamdulillah lila nawal mau punya adik lagi,, selamat ya jeng ;)


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