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Becoming Thirty Something ;-)
Friday, May 23, 2008
yesterday is my thirty something bday (sok rahasiaa)
so i treat myself with a little bit something
what do u call that...
self indulgence ya
boleee yaaaa...

first of all,
bought a new beautiful lap top, my new compaq 12'... mwah mwah
sampe deg2an pas mo beli....
secara dah lama ngincernya..
pas akhirnya beli seneeng banget....
alhamdulilah....kesampean ;-)

look papa..look!!! invoicenya nyusul ya pa...
reimburse kan?? hehehe

trus as a present dibeliin pelengkapnya
a lil mouse (bukan tikus) sama oom nouv....
alhamdulilah..thanks ya oom ;-)

udaah kok, cuma beli itu aja.... (sambil sumringah)
secondnya cuma beli2 buku untuk
si mama dan lila nawal....
pake voucher gramed dari citibank hehehe
boleh doong yang ultah yang ngasi kado
gak jaman klo cuma terima kado aja (cieee...sok bijak ;p)

so book it is.....for my mom.... yang dah melahirkan dan membesarkan
diriku....hingga jadi yummy mummy gini hehehe...teteub...
iAllahbisa next time bisa ngasi hadiah yang lbh baik
untuk mama... going hajj ya ma iAllah... Amiin

btw, itu voucher redeemnya dateng pas
di hari ultah kemarin.... malemnya lgsg deh
meluncur ke gramed... belanjaaa ;-)
oh ya.... beli buku juga buat diri sendiri
"keliling eropa 6 bukan hanya USD 1000"
hehehe..... iAllah LoA ya.....
kan otw there iAllah ;-)

trus malemnya pas pulang dari gramed
keinget....bulan ini blom ngeluarin zakat yaa...
haaa....... ok ok..tommorow..tommorow iAllah

trus pagi ini... ambil baju batiknya si papa
hadiah untuk si papa.... my great supporter....
for the last 12 years ;-)

dah jadi kemejanya tuh dear....keren deh...
tapi yang satu lagi dibenerin karna kurang pas
sambungan tumpalnya (debatiqbutiq cuality control mode on ;p)

truuuss...yang a lil bit shocking...bahan batik saya....
yang satu2nya itu..yg kembaran sama papa....
salah jait bo'..... salah model.....
well....my mind twisted..gak bisa mikir pas liat
laaah...kok jadi gini..ketuker sama model
untuk bahan yg lain.....

yeaah..anyway...sooo thankful to be me..
despite the error in my batik gown..siighh (teteub ...)
for i have almost everything beautdiful things
happen in my life.....
my parents...my dear sibling... my heritage...
my dear papa ardha...my greatest supporter .....my best friend....
my beloved kalila n nawal... my heart and soul...
my beautiful warm hearted friends..... my inspirations

my life..... 33 years...love every single bit of it
still i can tell....
other than when i gave birth to lila n nawal...(of course)

the very best of it is when....
i finally and confidently (confession: at least i tried to feel confident hehe)
decided to give up my "8 to 5 sooo important career"
it was read (to pursue the best career oppurtunity in a challenging working environment...)
hehe.... that was written in my CV actually hihihi...

i'm a working at home mom now.....
what other better thing can i possibly do now
other than being a wahm...
being with my babies...
almost all the time.....
but still has these bizyness
my oriflame ... my nadjalabel

and the newest one......tadaaaaa......

hehehe... not bad at all for a mommy rite?? :)

thankful to be a 33 years old ibu sharah ;-)
i really do (even though lila nawal think i'm still 17 ;p ;p)



At 2:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a year older than me.
it makes a big different qeqeqeq...
wiser? Iya deeeh... sometimes (teteeub ga rela ama temen sdri hahaha)...

eh eh...laptopnya perlu di mapras ga qeqeq...

asikkk ga ada alesan lagi nih ngga cek pending member biarpun wiken :D


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